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Set default value for property

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Sets a default value in case a value has not been provided yet.     -->
<!--                                                                     -->
<!-- @param property   The property which must have a value afterwards.  -->
<!-- @param value      The value which will be set when the              -->
<!--                   property currently doesn't contain anything.      -->
<!--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<macrodef name="set-default">
    <attribute name="property"/>
    <attribute name="value"/>
                <!-- is empty -->
                <equals arg1="" arg2="${@{property}}"/>
                <!-- has not been set -->
                <equals arg1="$${@{property}}" arg2="${@{property}}"/>
                <var name="@{property}" value="@{value}"/>

Require a property

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- This macro verifies that a specific property has been set    -->
<!-- and causes a failure if this is not the case.                -->
<!--                                                              -->
<!-- @param property   The property which has to be tested.       -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<macrodef name="require-property">
    <attribute name="property"/>
        <set-default property="@{property}" value=""/>
            <equals arg1="" arg2="${@{property}}"/>
                <fail message="the property '@{property}' has not been set !"/>

Append/Prepend to a list

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Appends a value to a list.                                              -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- @param property    The name of the variable used to contain a list.     -->
<!-- @param value       The value which has to be added.                     -->
<!-- @param delimiter   The delimiter which has to be used. (Default: ',')   -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<macrodef name="append">
    <attribute name="property"/>
    <attribute name="value"/>
    <attribute name="delimiter" default=","/>
            <equals arg1="${@{property}}" arg2=""/>
                <var name="@{property}" value="@{value}"/>
                <var name="@{property}" value="${@{property}}@{delimiter}@{value}"/>

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Prepends a value to a list.                                             -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- @param property    The name of the variable used to contain a list.     -->
<!-- @param value       The value which has to be prepended.                 -->
<!-- @param delimiter   The delimiter which has to be used. (Default: ',')   -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<macrodef name="prepend">
    <attribute name="property"/>
    <attribute name="value"/>
    <attribute name="delimiter" default=","/>
            <equals arg1="${@{property}}" arg2=""/>
                <var name="@{property}" value="@{value}"/>
                <var name="@{property}" value="@{value}@{delimiter}${@{property}}"/>

Iterate a properties file

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Allows to traverse a file containing properties.            -->
<!--                                                             -->
<!-- @param file             The file that has to be traversed.  -->
<!-- @param prefix           The prefix to be used for the       -->
<!--                         properties. (Default: 'prop.')      -->
<!-- @param handleproperty   The sequence that will be invoked   -->
<!--                         with the properties.                -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<macrodef name="iterate-properties">
    <attribute name="file"/>
    <attribute name="prefix" default="prop."/>
    <element name="handleproperty"/>
        <loadfile srcfile="@{file}" property="ip_content">
                    <comment value="#"/>
                <deletecharacters chars="\t "/>
                <var unset="true" name="@{prefix}key"/>
                <var unset="true" name="@{prefix}value"/>
        <var unset="true" name="ip_content"/>

Load a specific property from a file

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Fetches a property value from a file. If the property could        -->
<!-- not be found the value will be empty.                              -->
<!--                                                                    -->
<!-- @param file        The file which contains all properties.         -->
<!-- @param key         The key of the desired value.                   -->
<!-- @param property    The property which has to be set to the value.  -->
<!--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<macrodef name="get-property">
    <attribute name="file"/>
    <attribute name="key"/>
    <attribute name="property"/>
        <loadfile srcfile="@{file}" property="gp_content">
                    <regexp pattern="^(@{key})"/>
                <tailfilter lines="1"/>
                <deletecharacters chars="\t \r\n"/>
            <equals arg1="${@{property}}" arg2="$${@{property}}"/>
                <var name="@{property}" value=""/>
        <var unset="true" name="gp_content"/>

Shortcut to set a property depending on a condition

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Short if-then-else construction which can be used if a      -->
<!-- property needs to be set depending on a specific condition. -->
<!--                                                             -->
<!-- @param property    The property which will be set.          -->
<!-- @param condition   The condition used to determine          -->
<!--                    which value has to be set.               -->
<!-- @param then        The value if the condition is true.      -->
<!-- @param else        The value if the condition is false.     -->
<!--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<macrodef name="short-if">
    <attribute name="property"/>
    <attribute name="condition"/>
    <attribute name="then"/>
    <attribute name="else"/>
            <istrue value="@{condition}"/>
                <var name="@{property}" value="@{then}"/>
                <var name="@{property}" value="@{else}"/>

Store filenames of a dir into a property

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Lists filenames that do match a specified pattern.                  -->
<!--                                                                     -->
<!-- @param dir         The directory which content shall be listed.     -->
<!-- @param property    The property used to be set to the listed names. -->
<!-- @param pattern     The pattern used to select the files.            -->
<!--                    (Default: '*')                                   -->
<!-- @param delimiter   The delimiter which has to be used.              -->
<!--                    (Default: ',')                                   -->
<!--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<macrodef name="list-filenames">
    <attribute name="dir"/>
    <attribute name="property"/>
    <attribute name="pattern" default="*"/>
    <attribute name="delimiter" default=","/>
        <var name="lf_result" value=""/>
        <for param="file">
            <fileset dir="@{dir}" includes="@{pattern}"/>
                <basename file="@{file}" property="lf_name"/>
                <var unset="true" name="lf_name"/>
        <var name="@{property}" value="${lf_result}"/>
        <var unset="true" name="lf_result"/>

Delete a file only if it’s existing

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Deletes a file only in case it does exist. -->
<!--                                            -->
<!-- @param file    The file to be deleted.     -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<macrodef name="delete-file">
    <attribute name="file"/>
            <available file="@{file}"/>
                    <available file="@{file}" type="file"/>
                        <delete file="@{file}" failonerror="true"/>
                        <fail message="'@{file}' is not a file"/>

Remove an element from a list

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Removes a value from a list. The list itself will be altered.          -->
<!--                                                                        -->
<!-- @param property    The name of the variable used to contain a list.    -->
<!-- @param value       The value which has to be removed.                  -->
<!-- @param delimiter   The delimiter which has to be used. (Default: ',')  -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<macrodef name="remove-list-element">
    <attribute name="property"/>
    <attribute name="value"/>
    <attribute name="delimiter" default=","/>
            <not><equals arg1="${@{property}}" arg2=""/></not>
                <var name="rle_result" value=""/>
                <for param="entry" list="${@{property}}" delimiter="@{delimiter}">
                            <not><equals arg1="@{value}" arg2="@{entry}"/></not>
                <var name="@{property}" value="${rle_result}"/>
                <var unset="true" name="rle_result"/>